Adventure of The Seven Chakras

An evening designed to help you getting a taste of your chakras. With Sugandho
Many people know that the human body has seven chakras, or energy centers, but few of us have their own experience of it.
The chakras influence every aspect of our behavior, including our actions, relationships, feelings, thoughts, beliefs and ideals. They cover the whole range of human experience from sex to superconsciousness:
1st Chakra: Sex, survival, shelter, wealth, birth and death.
2nd Chakra: Social groups, tribal instincts, being together and alone.
3rd Chakra: Individuality, power, self-assertiveness.
4th Chakra: Love, self-acceptance, compassion.
5th Chakra: Creativity, self-expression, beliefs.
6th Chakra: Intuition, insight, perception.
7th Chakra: Union with Existence, the Divine, the Absolute.
Come and join the adventure!
For more information and booking please contact
Gaia at 00420-608 026 443
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