Reclaiming Teenage – The Juicy Me, the Angry Me, the Cool Me …

What was it like to be a teenager many years ago?
What do I remember of those teenage years?
Teenage is a very ambivalent stage in life. We are not children anymore, we are not adults yet. Parents and society and even ourselves consider a teenager to be almost an adult. And we want to be treated like adults, we want to be taken seriously, we want to expand and discover the world, we want to break free from the restrictions of childhood. — Yet, it takes time to grow into this new state of being. There are so many things we experience for the first time.
- There are all these changes in our body.
- We are driven by hormonal rushes, sexuality is an undercurrent day and night …
- We feel insecure in many situations, but we play cool outside, while inside there is a volcano of ambivalent feelings.
- There are many expectations from the outside and from within: I should appear sexy, but not too much. I should know what I want to study …. but my preferences change every day. I want to be popular in the eyes of others, but then, I am so shy …
- We feel lonely and misunderstood many times.
- We make tons of mistakes and feel soo embarrassed about ourselves.
- We are often missing out, because we are too shy, too slow or too insecure to try things out.
- etc.
In the safe environment of the workshop we want to start understanding this teenage-me in a new way. We want to learn to be compassionate towards our teenage feelings, struggles, shortcomings. We want to discover or rediscover ourselves by applying an innocent look on ourselves. We want to break the silence that many imposed on themselves and find the courage to ask the questions we could not ask in the past.
As adults today we can learn from our teenage-me and bring the juice and sense of rebelliousness and adventure into our present life.
This group is for everybody! You are invited to experiment, you are invited to be curious and to learn more about yourself and the ways sexuality feels good to you. You are invited to take the chance towards a sexual expression without losing healthy boundaries. We want to allow sexual energy to flow naturally and connect it to self-awareness and meditation. The workshop is led in English with Hebrew translation available.
For further information and booking please contact:
Anand Alzbeta Burianova: +420 774 920 005
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