From Fear to Love – Opening to Aliveness

On the journey of exploring the inner world, one inevitably meets the most basic difficulty – fear. Fear is something so invisible yet so powerful in it’s ability to prevent relaxation and joy of life. What to do when fear arises? Escape, hide from danger, and wait for the fear to somehow disappear by itself? Or to push beyond all boundaries that the fear is creating? In a loving and caring atmosphere, this group gives the opportunity to face 3 of the basic human fears: the fear of going crazy, the fear of death and the fear of sexuality. Each fear will take us to explore and redefine the limitations that have been imposed on us when we were small.
- By allowing ourselves to go wild and crazy consciously many rigid limitations will drop away by themselves. More space can expand inside for more spontaneity, creativity, love and laughter.
- The fear of death will be met by a very different concept: Death as the peak of life, as a celebration. According to OSHO death is a reflection of the way we live. Living and dying are not separate; death can be understood as a new beginning rather than an end.
- The fear of sexuality will be addressed in a safe environment. We want to explore undefined fears and shame around sexuality, we want to break the silence and instead learn to communicate what we feel, what we fear, what we need and want, what we repress and what frustrates us. It is a step towards liberating our sexuality and taking the chance to return to playfulness and innocence in relationship to our sexuality. We will in particular address the time of teenage, the time when we have made our first sexual encounters, or missed to make them, the time when our sexuality of today has been modeled.
Practical informations
Beginning 12 of April /Thursday/ at 12:00. Arrive in time at 11:00 in advance to be able to accommodate before the program. Registration will start from 10:00.
End of seminar 15 of April /Sunday/ around 14 pm.
Workshop schedulle
The seminar is intense and transformative. Day usually starts at 7:00, after that iso breakfast and morning block. After lunch we continue the afternoon program, which includes a short snack break. After dinner there is an evening integration program, which usually ends between 22:00 and 23:00.
CZK 4,200 at check-in and prepayment until 12.3.2018, then CZK 4,550. It does not include food and accommodation.
Accommodation and food
CZK 2 400/2 300/2 200 for accommodation in new rooms / original rooms / meditation hall – please, write type of accommodation to the note in registration form.
Diet is vegetarian – breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, tea. We will start with a Thursday lunch and end with a Sunday lunch.
Please, fill the form on czech website (bellow).
Please, send a deposit of CZK 2,000 on account 2100848008/2010, enter your name and surname in the message for the recipient. We will confirm your acceptance of the backup by e-mail. Your registration is binding only after we receive your deposit.
By registering to this workshop you agree with this cancellation policy.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
For more information contact Gaia at 00420-608 026 443 or