Energy Reading & Counseling Training, Module II

– The dates and location of this module are still to be confirmed!!! –
Module 2: Energy Reading
The Alchemy of Chakra Transformation through Awareness & Compassion
What is an Energy Reading?
In general, reading energies is a natural phenomena we all experience at times in our lives. For example when we are in love with somebody, we are actually falling into synchronicity with another person. We suddenly know what the other person will do or say in the next moment; we call the other and hear: “Oh, I was just thinking about you.” We know the other on a level of our heart intuition. This state of intuitive knowing is a nourishing experience for both sides. It brings connection, mutual trust, relaxation and mainly acceptance.
In Energy Reading we are using the same synchronicity. In a way we are consciously and purposefully ‘falling in love’ with another person for a limited period of time. We are opening our heart to another person – whom we might not know at all – and ignite the natural abilities and qualities in our own heart and in the heart of the other.
Moreover we can read not only energy of people, we can read energies in many forms and states. We can read the energy of animals, we can read the energy of plants, even of rocks and spaces.
What is the difference from an Energy Reading to a conversation or counselling?
An Energy Reading is a rather meditative state. We are meeting the other without prejudice or expectation but rather with a maximum of openness and acceptance. An Energy Reading is not focused on problem solving or generating solutions. We are supporting a client to be with what is in the most accepting way possible.
In the state of acceptance difficulties in the client’s life can become more clear, can be seen from a different perspective and can sometimes begin to dissolve in the light of awareness and acceptance.
Energy Reading is based on intuition and is therefore qualitative different from analytical thinking. Its practice takes responsibility and skills to prevent arbitrariness. Energy Reading is not channeling and we will clarify the difference throughout the training.
In Energy Reading we practice and learn to rely upon the qualities of meditation, acceptance and clear perception, to facilitate transformation and encouragement for individual growth.
Skills we learn through Energy Reading:
- Learning to access subtle perception channels: Intuition of the heart & inner vision of the third eye, the Hara.
- What is the difference between perception and rational thinking?
- What is the difference between perception and projection?
- What is transformation and Inner Alchemy?
- Communication from the heart and the conscious use of language.
- Practice of the Qualities of Awareness and Compassion.
Becoming an Energy Reader:
With the experience and knowing of the first 2 modules of the training the participants will go through a period of practice of Energy Readings as practitioners. There will be supervision sessions under Sugandho’s guidance and the clients who are receiving Energy Readings will give their feedbacks.
There is also the option to become a trainee in Sugandho’s Chakra Workshops to receive more practical training in Chakra Alchemy.
Each practitioner will find their own way and time to get ready and be an official Energy Reader approved by Sugandho.
In module 3, after practicing Energy Reading, you will be prepared to learn and practice Energy Counselling.