Out of the Blue – Alchemy of the 5th Chakra

There are these moments, when „out of the blue“ there is a sudden idea, a clear picture on our inner screen, a sudden feeling or knowing what is the right thing to do. These are the moments of resourcefulness and true creativity. Later on we might say: „It just happened, I don’t know how.“ And actually we don’t need to know.
On the other hand there are those moments when we are trying hard to find a solution for a problem, or we need to complete a work, create a presentation … and nothing works. Draft after draft ends up in the waste basket and we are getting nervous from time pressure without any result.
Creative solutions do not have to be accidental and lack of resourcefulness is more a belief about ourselves than reality. And there are many of those old beliefs which we don’t even identify as beliefs. We have learned to belief that “this is who I am”, “this is my inner nature” or “there is nothing I can do about it”.
The workshop offers the possibility of identifying limiting beliefs on all levels of our lives: relationship, love, profession, money, creativity… Many of these beliefs are linked to our self worth and unconscious values. As soon as we become conscious of our self set limits, we can dare to choose new and unknown options congruent with our values in life. Stepping from known and familiar behaviour patterns into new and unknown situation in life is the soil for creativity and new ways of expression.
Start of the program November 16 / Thursday / at 12:00. Arrive in time at 11:00 in advance to be able to accommodate before the program. Registration will take place during the day from 10:00.
End of the seminar November 19 / Sunday / around 14:00.
The seminar is intensive and transformational. The day starts with OSHO Dynamic Meditation, followed by breakfast and the morning program. After lunch we continue with the afternoon program. After dinner we continue with an integrative night session until about 10 – 11 p.m.
Seminar price
does not include food and accommodation
4.200 CZK – Early registration price (if you register and pay deposit by 16 October 2017)
4.550 CZK – when registering later
Accommodation and food
2500, – CZK
The food is vegetarian or vegan and consists of breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Tea is available throughout the day. We begin with Friday lunch and finish with Sunday lunch.
The total price of the seminar for early registration and accommodation in the room is 6.700 CZK.
The workshop is conducted in English with Czech translation.
To register for the seminar, please fill the form on the bootom of this page and make a down payment of 2.000 CZK to the bank account 2100848008/2010 to finalize your registration. We will confirm your payment by email. Your registration will be complete only after we have received your deposit.