Primary Needs – A One-Day-Event

This is an advanced workshop for those, who have done a full primal based therapy with Sugandho or other teachers.
As we continue our childhood work, we will explore the developmental stage the first weeks after birth, also called the symbiotic phase. Satisfaction of a baby’s primary needs is relevant to this stage. This period is also called the oral stage. Aside from psychological concepts of the last century, this period constitutes for the rest of our lives.
This deep 1-day workshop, based on Primal Therapy, invites us to live and re-choose, to meet our childhood memories. Allow ourselves a new beginning that will be a cornerstone of our lives.
The process is deep and emotional.
A great opportunity to meet Sugandho and yourself from a new place.
For further information and booking contact Hiya
Tel : +972-549728154